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We Grow, U-Pick


U-Pick is now closed for the season.


Thank you so much for everyone who has visited our farm this season. 


We had a wonderful time and are so in awe of our tree kin for how much they give. We will be focusing on tending and honoring the land as the trees rest this winter. Thank you all and we look forward to welcoming you home to EARTHseed for U-Pick again next Summer. 


Please check back on our website for further updates.


Farm Visit Details:​

  • Next U-Pick Day:  tba, Summer 2024

  • Fruit Currently Available to Harvest: tba 

  • Featured in Farm Store: tba

  • Non-refundable entry fee: $35/group up to 4 people. Groups larger than 4 will need to pay an additional $7.50 per person upon arrival. Children age 3 and under are free.

Farm Store:

Visit our farm store during your U-Pick appointment for special items including select fruit when in season (Mulberries, Pluots, Asian Pears, Pineapple Guavas), beautiful African baskets, fresh sage and lavender bundles, handmade herbal products, popsicles, drinks, and more.

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Fruit Availability: 

This list includes what is generally available according to the season.

  • ​July: Raspberries, Blackberries

  • August: Gravenstein Apples, McIntosh Apples, Blackberries, Raspberries

  • September: Gilbert Golden Delicious Apples, Gala Apples, Braeburn Apples, Raspberries 

  • October:  Fuji Apples, Rome Apples 

  • November: Fuji Apples, Persimmons,  Pineapple Guava


Cost per pound: Blackberries: charged per basket - $8/basket for 2 people. Apples: $4/lb;  Asian Pears (in store): $6/lb.


August-November:  We also grow a variety of Asian Pears, including Hosui, Shinseiki, 20th Century, Chojuro, Niitaka, Shinko, Yoinashi, Olympic, and Atago. Pears are available August through mid November, at the farm store.

Benefits of joining the U-Pick:

  • Eat locally and eat seasonally!

  • You get to pick exactly which fruit you want from the tree.

  • You get to support our farm which is focused on regenerative farming practices, and get to experience participating in a harvest and seeing where your food comes from.

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Safety & Children:

EARTHseed Farm is a working farm. While we make every effort to create a safe and fun environment, we have lots of equipment. Please stay with your children at all times and do not allow them to climb on farm equipment or trees.

Dogs Allowed:

Trained service animals are welcome to the farm. And guests are now allowed to bring their cute, furry, and well-behaved dogs to the farm. However, dogs must remain with owners at all times, on a leash at all times, and owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dog. No exceptions. 

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Harvesting and Handling Fruit:

As a reminder for hygienic handling of fruit, we ask that you only touch fruit on the tree that you intend to pick and purchase. And for your continued safety we have a handwashing and hand sanitizing set-up on the farm.


EARTHseed Farm

3175 Sullivan Rd.

Sebastopol, CA 95472


Visits by Appointment Only 

U-Pick Hours: July to Oct

Select Saturdays


(707) 829-0617

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